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Tables are created using the tabular environment. If you want a caption, the figure equivalent for tables is the table environment. You can use a \caption within it.

After the \begin{tabular} you need to specify the columns. The example has two centered columns (c), followed by one with a fixed width, p{2cm}.

You separate rows by using \\ (the newline command) and columns within a row are separated using the &-character. The \toprule, \midrule and \bottomrule yield the horizontal rules. The \cmidrule is just like \midrule, but only spans the columns indicated. Finally, there is the

\multicolumn: multiple cells within the same row are merged together.

Required: \usepackage{booktabs}

    \begin{tabular}{c c p{2cm}}
        Getal 1 & Getal 2 & Notitie\\
        88 & 94 & Twee grote getallen\\
        89 & 12 & Een grote en een kleintje\\
        96 & 18 & Weer zo\\
        32 & 98 & Iets minder schreef\\
        \multicolumn{2}{c}{527} & Totale som\\
    \caption{Een tabel!}

Sometimes you need a fixed width for your table. You can use tabularx from the package \usepackage{tabularx}. The difference is the column specifiers are preceded by a different argument: the table width.

Next, you can use, like in the example, column type X; the columns will be stretched equally until the table has the appropriate width.

    \begin{tabularx}{0.7\textwidth}{X X}
        Formule & Beschrijving\\
        $ \sqrt{2} $ & Wortel\\
        $ \frac{2}{3} $ & Breuk\\
        $ 6\geq 3 $ & Symbool\\
        $ a^2 + b^2 $ & Superscript\\
    \caption{Een tabel!}

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